Rehearsal of fire fighting and prevention plays a crucial and essential role to help people grasp skills, know how to use fire extinguishers properly as well as improve capabilities of rescue and evacuation in case of fire or explosion.
In order to propagate that spirit and enhance responsiveness to the fire fighting prevention of everyone working in D&D Tower, on the morning of November 20th 2020, the investor and the building management board coordinated with the fire brigade of District 3 to hold a drill for using fire extinguishers for people working in the building.
The attendees are composed of fire brigade team of the building, the management board staff, security guards, people of the investor and tenants in the building. The fire brigade of District 3 guided people the way to identify and practice using equipment and how to escape when an incident happens.
The rehearsal is an opportunity for the on-site fire brigade team (management board, security guards, sanitation workers) to strengthen skills in fire and explosion prevention and control.